Vegetarian and vegan dry dog food helps to keep your dog looking and feeling their best. Sometimes dogs can develop nutritional intolerances to commonly-used meat in dog foods, which can lead to skin problems and digestive difficulties. Vegetarian and vegan dry dog food is completely free of any meat, so it is the ideal supplement to pure meat diets or for dogs with sensitivities. Try vegetarian and vegan dry dog food at bitiba today!
Vegetarian and vegan dry dog food is completely free of any meat, so it is the ideal supplement to pure meat diets or for dogs with sensitivities. Try vegetarian and vegan dry dog food at bitiba today!
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Cold-pressed natural dry dog food made with 100% vegetarian and vegan ingredients: vitamin-rich fruit & veg and sweet lupin, a gluten-free source of protein. Ideal for nutritionally sensitive dogs.
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Each pack of tasty vegan treats contains a selection of irresistible flavours created from organically-produced ingredients. These treats are perfect for rewarding your sensitive dog!
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Grain-free vegetarian dry food for adult dogs, with a meat-free recipe containing ingredients from organic sources, rich in plant protein and enriched with organic algae and organic baobab.
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Vegetarian, wheat-free dry food for dogs, made with organic ingredients and no chemical additives or GMOs, with organic peas and organic soya beans as sources of protein, enriched with key nutrients.
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Vegetarian organic food for adult dogs, made without any meat or animal by-products, rich in plant protein and enriched with seaweed, baobab, soya beans and rice protein, offering unbeatable flavour.
Balanced, digestible dry food with organic ingredients, developed for small breed dogs with organic chicken, wild-caught herring and organic peas, offering nutrients with no additives.
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