Cold-pressed natural dry dog food made with 100% vegetarian and vegan ingredients: vitamin-rich fruit & veg and sweet lupin, a gluten-free source of protein. Ideal for nutritionally sensitive dogs.
Meat-free Lukullus Veggie is a complete dry dog food, made using only vegetarian and vegan ingredients. It contains completely natural ingredients including carrots, beetroot and chicory. The premium quality ingredients are gently cold-pressed. This ensures that the valuable nutrients and the original flavour of the carefully selected ingredients are retained. Nature provides everything that your dog needs and this delicious kibble provides your dog with all the important vitamins and vital nutrients to help keep it healthy:Analytical constituents
protein | 24.0 % |
fat | 9.3 % |
fibre | 2.1 % |
ash | 6.6 % |
calcium | 1.37 % |
phosphorus | 1.17 % |
Dog's weight | Daily amount |
2kg | 50g |
5kg | 100g |
7kg | 130g |
10kg | 170g |
15kg | 260g |
20kg | 290g |
25kg | 320g |
30kg | 380g |
35kg | 420g |
40kg | 460g |
45kg | 510g |
50kg | 545g |
60kg | 630g |
70kg | 710g |
80kg | 785g |