Gnawing up the meat from the bones of prey did not just fight hunger, it also exercised the chewing muscles and kept teeth clean.
With the KONG Stuff-A-Ball you can offer your dog just this effect. Boredom and negative behaviour is prevented with this great toy.
The shape of the KONG Stuff-A-Ball makes it roll and bounce in unpredictable ways. This wakens many dog's hunting instincts and they will start to chase, catch and chew this great toy.
The KONG Stuff-A-Ballcan be filled with snacks or ordinary food - reward your dog for the "hard work" and double the fun!
Large: for dogs 15 - 30 kg
Diameter: approx. 9 cm
Border Collie, Boxer, Dachshund
Please note: As with all products, your pet should be supervised when playing. Please check the toy regularly for damage and replace it if damaged or if parts are missing, as there may be a possibility of injury to your pet.