High-quality wet dog food made from fresh beef, either pure or combined with lamb or poultry. Contains digestible carbohydrates and healthy carrots and peas. Now save even more with this multibuy!
Rocco Menu is a well-balanced complete wet food made with tasty beef, combined with vegetables and healthy carbohydrates. This wholesome food is packed with nutritous ingredients that provide your dog with energy and foster a healthy metabolism. Choose from pure beef or a combination of beef and other delicious, wholesome meats such as chicken or lamb. And when you want to treat your dog to something different why not try one of the great-tasting Rocco Seasonal Menu wet dog foods.No Formed Meat
Meat isn't all the same. Many products contain so-called "formed meat" which often immitates natural meat fibres. Rocco is guaranteed not to contain formed meat and to be made using only fresh meat. It does not contain animal meal (e.g. bone meal), vegetable protein (e.g. soya) or other fillers.
Rocco contains at least 60% meat, which is mainly beef. The animal that the remainder of the meat comes from can be seen in the flavour variety. Guaranteed!
No Chemical Additives
Rocco only uses fresh meat of the highest quality and forgoes all chemical additives such as flavour enhancers, artificial colour, and artificial preservatives. The especially gentle cooking process preserves Rocco's healthy nutrients and strong meat flavour.
Please note: This product cannot be delivered to Switzerland.
Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives: Vitamin D3 200 IU, vitamin E (all-rac-alpha-tocopherylacetate) 30mg, biotin 300mg, zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate) 15mg, manganese (manganese-II-sulphate monohydrate) 3mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 0.75mgAnalytical constituents
protein | 10.4 % |
fat | 8.5 % |
fibre | 0.4 % |
ash | 2.2 % |
moisture | 75.0 % |
Dog's weight | Amount / day |
5kg | 335g |
10kg | 560g |
20kg | 940g |
30kg | 1275g |
40kg | 1585g |
Dog's weight | Beef | Beef with Lamb | Beef with Poultry |
5kg | 325g | 310g | 320g |
10kg | 545g | 520g | 540g |
20kg | 915g | 875g | 900g |
30kg | 1240g | 1185g | 1220g |
40kg | 1540g | 1470g | 1515g |