Balanced dietetic wet dog food, made with chicken & sweet potato. Easy to digest, with reduced protein content and reduced sodium & phosphorus. For adult dogs with acute or chronic renal failure.
Rocco Diet Care Renal is a meat-based dietetic wet dog food that supports renal function. This great-tasting food is a complete therapeutic wet dog food suitable for adult dogs with impaired kidney function. It is low in protein and phosphorus and made using only top-quality, easy to digest animal proteins.
This recipe is formulated to meet the nutritional needs of dogs with acute or chronic kidney insufficiency. If your dog has kidney illness it is important to feed a low-protein diet with reduced levels of sodium and phosphorus, as many of these ingredients can have a detrimental effect on kidney function. For this reason, this wet food contains only limited sources of top-quality animal protein, all of which are very digestible and easy to digest. Chicken provides valuable energy without overloading the kidneys and the sodium and phosphorus content has been deliberately reduced to further encourage kidney relief. Vital vitamins and nutrients round off this delicious, meaty wet dog food and provide your pet with a balanced, nutritional meal.
Rocco Diet Care Renal -
Chicken with Sweet Potato at a glance:
- Dietetic complete wet food for adult dogs
- Suitable for adult dogs with acute or chronic renal insufficiency
- Easy-to-digest protein: chicken is a tasty, well -accepted source of energy
- Low levels of sodium and phosphorus help to provide kidney relief
- Vital vitamins and minerals for a balanced nutrition
- Wheat and gluten-free
- Ingredient transparency
- No artificial colours, attractants or aromas
- Made in Germany
Please note: ![](
This product is not available for delivery to Switzerland