Save even more with this 12 can pack! RINTI is canned dog food made with pure meat, available in assorted flavours in a practical ring-pull can
Rinti is a complete meal that meets the dietary needs of dogs. The dog is a natural carnivore - its digestive tract is tuned to a diet of meat. It’s original diet included muscle meat, innards like liver, stomach and lungs as well as mineral-containing parts of the meat. Dogs are not vegetable-consuming beasts, they don’t need to get their energy from grains or carbohydrates because the fats and proteins contained in meat provides them with all the calories they require.Rinti Wet Dog Food:
For a healthy diet a balance of unsaturated omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are recommended. Omega-3 fatty acids come in flax oil and omega-6 acids come in some meat parts. Important fibres found in plant by-products support digestion, particularly in large and elderly dogs. Rinti contains up to 70% meat. The other ingredients are made up of fibres, oils, minerals, vitamins and water.
Analytical constituents
protein | 11.0 % |
fat | 8.0 % |
fibre | 0.6 % |
ash | 2.5 % |
calcium | 0.3 % |
phosphorus | 0.25 % |
moisture | 77.0 % |
Weight | Serving |
up to 8kg | approx. 400g |
up to 20kg | approx. 800g |
up to 52kg | approx. 1600g |