Balanced, complete hypoallergenic wet dog food in a grain-free recipe that contains just a single source of animal protein, with digestible turkey that provides an extensive range of beneficial nutrients.
James Wellbeloved Adult Hypoallergenic Grain Free Pouches - Turkey in Gravy wet dog food has been specially created to meet the key nutritional needs of adult dogs, with a single source of animal protein to ensure that it is easy to digest and unlikely to cause digestive problems.
This James Wellbeloved Adult Hypoallergenic Grain Free Pouches - Turkey in Gravy has also been developed with a grain-free recipe, using alternative sources of carbohydrate to help ensure that even sensitive dogs can enjoy this wholesome dish. It has been carefully developed to offer complete balance for your dog, using nutritious vegetables that all provide their own individual benefits.
The recipe is also free from any added artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, using natural hypoallergenic ingredients that are less likely to cause unwanted adverse reactions. It is enriched with fibres to keep the digestive system functioning properly and natural omega-3 and -6 fatty acids from sunflower, linseed and fish oils to support healthy skin and coat. It also contains peas as a key source of protein and carbohydrate.
James Wellbeloved Adult Hypoallergenic Grain Free Pouches - Turkey in Gravy at a glance:
- Complete wet food for adult dogs from 12 months to 7 years
- Grain-free: ideal for more sensitive dogs, with peas to provide carbohydrate
- Single source protein: with turkey as the only source of animal protein, to make it easier to digest
- Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids: from sunflower, linseed and fish oils to help support healthy skin and glossy coat
- Peas: provide essential protein and carbohydrate
- Hypoallergenic: free from troublesome ingredients to ensure that even the most sensitive dog can benefit from this diet
- Pouches can be fed on their own or as a tasty topper for dry food
James Wellbeloved avoids using many of the ingredients renowned for causing food intolerances. This means James Wellbeloved cat and dog food and treats do not contain beef, pork, wheat or wheat gluten, dairy products, eggs or soya.