A tasty complete wet dog food dish combining 85% free-run chicken with garden vegetables and herbs, in a grain-free recipe designed to offer delicious nutrition. Previously Tender Loving Care.
Treat your dog to a delicious and nutritious Barking Heads Bowl Lickin’ Chicken wet dog food meal, made with 85% free-run chicken. It has been created using a grain-free recipe that is gentle on the digestive system, enriched with key vitamins and minerals for overall health and wellbeing.Analytical constituents
protein | 9.0 % |
fat | 7.0 % |
fibre | 1.5 % |
ash | 2.0 % |
moisture | 79.0 % |
Dog’s weight | Wet food only | As topper for dry food |
5kg | 1½ | Up to ½ |
10kg | 1½ - 2 | Up to ¾ |
20kg | 2½ - 3½ | Up to 1 |
30kg+ | 4+ | Up to 1½ |