Complete dry food for adult dogs, with lamb as the only source of animal protein, rich in omega-3 & 6, antioxidants and vitamins, enriched with prebiotics and grain-free. Made in the USA
Taste of the Wild – Sierra Mountain is a natural, easy to digest dry dog food for dogs of all sizes, breeds and in the adult stage of life. This biologically appropriate kibble is based on the original feeding habits of your dog while taking modern lifestyle changes into account. It is made using lamb as the single source of animal protein. Dogs love the hearty taste of roasted lamb and it is known to have a low allergenic potential so it is well accepted. It is completely grain-free. Tasty sweet potatoes provide the necessary carbohydrates and are rich in fibre and vitamins as well as iron, calcium and beta-carotene. Taste of the Wild Sierra Mountain also contains plenty of antioxidants which help to protect against free radicals and also help to strengthen the immune system. Chicory with the prebiotic inulin and yucca schidigera help to keep the digestive system working well. All ingredients are of the highest possible quality and this ensures high palatability and digestibility, even for dogs will nutritional sensitivities.Taste of the Wild - Sierra Mountain dry dog food at a glance:
Analytical constituents
protein | 25.0 % |
fat | 15.0 % |
fibre | 5.0 % |
ash | 8.6 % |
moisture | 10.0 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.3 % |
omega-6 fats | 2.4 % |
docosahexaenoic acid | 0.05 % |
Taste of the Wild – Sierra Mountain is a complete dry food for adult dogs.
Dog's weight | 6-12 weeks | 3-4 months | 5-7 months | 8-12 months | Adult |
1 - 2.25kg | 100 - 133g | 100 - 125g | 66 - 100g | 50 - 66g | 33 - 50g |
2.25 - 4.5kg | 133 - 233g | 125 - 200g | 100 - 133g | 66 - 100g | 50 - 100g |
4.5 - 9kg | 233 - 275g | 200 - 300g | 133 - 233g | 100 - 175g | 100 - 150g |
9 - 13.5kg | 375 - 500g | 300 - 425g | 233 - 325g | 175 - 250g | 150 - 200g |
13.5 - 18kg | 500 - 600g | 425 - 525g | 325 - 375g | 250 - 300g | 200 - 233g |
18 - 27kg | - | 525 - 700g | 375 - 500g | 300 - 400g | 233 - 325g |
27 - 36kg | - | 700 - 833g | 500 - 600g | 400 - 475g | 325 - 375g |
36 - 45kg | - | - | 600 - 700g | 475 - 550g | 375 - 425g |
45 - 57kg | - | - | 700 - 766g | 550 - 650g | 425 - 500g |
57 - 68kg | - | - | 766 - 900g | 650 - 725g | 500 - 575g |
68 - 79kg | - | - | 900 - 1000g | 725 - 800g | 575 - 650g |