A delicious dry dog food made with natural, cold-pressed ingredients to retain nutrients and flavour. Perfectly formulated for your dog's nutritional needs.
Lukullus Dry Dog Food Multibuy 2 x 10kg premium dog food is a high quality, easily digestible complete dry food made from natural ingredients in a careful cold-pressing process. This ensures that the nutrients and the original flavour of the carefully selected ingredients remain as natural as possible. Nature provides everything that dogs need.Lukullus Dry Dog Food is a complete dry food that has been developed to meet your dog's needs:
More information about the individual varieties, including feeding instructions and ingredients, can be found here:
Analytical constituents
protein | 24.0 % |
fat | 10.0 % |
fibre | 5.4 % |
ash | 6.9 % |
calcium | 1.2 % |
phosphorus | 0.9 % |
biotine (vitamin H) | 210.0 mg |
folic acid | 0.35 mg |
iodine | 1.6 mg |
copper (II) sulfate | 10.0 mg |
manganese | 48.0 mg |
niacin (vitamin- B3) | 21.0 mg |
zinc | 62.5 mg |
vitamin A | 10.0 IU |
vitamin B1 (thiamine) | 3.5 mg |
vitamin B12 (cobalamin) | 42.0 mg |
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) | 7.0 mg |
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) | 4.2 mg |
vitamin C | 140.0 IU |
vitamin D3 | 1.0 IU |
vitamin E (tocopherol) | 200.0 mg |
More information about the individual varieties, including feeding instructions and ingredients, can be found here: