Tasty dog treats with an enticing wild boar flavour and low fat recipe, made without artificial colourings and offering meaty chunks inspired by natural flavours to awaken your dog’s interest.
These AdVENTuROS Nuggets have been specially developed for four-legged adventurers and explorers! With these tasty treats, offering the motto “Take a wild taste adventure!”, you really can provide your dog with an exciting new flavour experience, with an invigorating wild boar flavour. The flavoursome recipe is based around natural wild flavours. AdVENTuROS Nuggets are in the shape of small chunks, with a grooved surface and natural shape that offers your dog an irresistible treat.Additives per kg:
Nutritional additives:
Vitamin A (13,200 IU), vitamin D3 (890 IU), vitamin E (95 IU), calcium iodate anhydrous (2.2mg), manganese sulphate monohydrate (6mg), zinc sulphate monohydrate (160mg), sodium selenite (0.22mg).
Sensory additives:
Wild boar flavour (3000mg).
Analytical constituents
protein | 13.4 % |
fat | 2.3 % |
fibre | 0.6 % |
ash | 4.6 % |
moisture | 18.0 % |
Dog’s weight | Treats per day |
7kg | up to 3 |
15kg | up to 7 |
30kg | up to 12 |