Golden Grey Odour
Golden Grey Odour is made entirely naturally, with a clay that causes no harm to your feline friends. That is why this clay is so popular!
Golden Grey Odour catches unpleasant smells the instant they are produced, stopping them from spreading into your house and containing them for a number of days. It is also great for stopping the growth of germs and bacteria, something which often occurs with faeces. Clumps can be left for a week or more without the risk of bacterial growth or smells spreading, meaning that your cat will continue to use the tray and your house will remain clean and hygienic.
This Golden Grey Odour Canadian litter is 100% odour-neutral, meaning it contains no added or artificial fragrances. It also features a fabulous biological odour control agent, which ensures any nasty smell is instantly absorbed, contained and prevented from going where it isn't wanted!
It also produces very little dust, making it ideal for sensitive cats. It is ultra-clumping, which means that pieces of litter will not get stuck to your cat's paws and be walked into the carpet or the rest of your home. Golden Grey Odour makes it simple and easy to clean a litter tray, as you simply need to remove the clumps rather than empty the entire thing out. This also makes it much more cost-effective than other litters!