An extra-fine, clumping cat litter that absorbs 4 times more than regular cat litter, that is practically dust-free and gentle on your cat's paws.
Biokat's Micro is a highly effective cat litter that is 4 times more efficient than traditional cat litter. 1 litre of Biokat's Micro absorbs at least 3 litres of liquid, meaning it absorbs 300% its own weight! This economical litter is a must-have for every cat owner. This clumping litter makes cleaning easy, simply by removing lumps you can ensure the litter stays cleaner longer. This extra-fine litter is not coarse and is gentle on your cat's paws. It is virtually dust-free too!Biokat's Micro, as with all Biokat's cat litter products, stands for top quality: only the best materials for Micro!
Biokat's Micro Cat Litter at a glance: