Wholesome dry food for kittens aged 3-12 months: protein-rich grain-free kibble with duck, delicious pumpkin, cranberries and catnip for growing cats. With lots of healthy nutrients and vitamins.
Lovingly created Feringa Kitten Duck is a premium dry food for young cats. The recipe is a delicious combination of tasty duck, enriched with a little pumpkin, cranberries and a pinch of catnip. Feringa Kitten is made to suit the specific needs of growing kittens aged 2-12 months. It is also suitable for pregnant or lactating mother cats. Young cats are full of energy and constantly on the go. These little cats need plenty of proteins, nutrients and vitamins, far more than fully grown cats and Feringa Kitten is ideal for young cats.Analytical constituents
protein | 33.0 % |
fat | 18.0 % |
fibre | 3.0 % |
ash | 7.2 % |
calcium | 1.6 % |
phosphorus | 1.2 % |
sodium | 0.4 % |
omega-3 fats | 0.6 % |
omega-6 fats | 2.5 % |
Feeding recommendation:
We recommend that you feed your kitten Feringa dry kitten food in several portions each day. Please note that these are guidelines only. Young cats should be monitored and weighed regularly. Feeding amounts should be adjusted as required. Growing cats, pregnant and lactating mother cats maybe fed freely as needed. Always ensure that plenty of fresh water is available.
Feeding recommendation per kitten in g/day:
Kitten's age | Daily amount |
3 months | 65 - 85g |
4 months | 70 - 80g |
5 months | 80 - 90g |
6 months | 90 - 105g |
8 months | 100 - 110g |
10-12 months | 95 - 100g |