Malt paste from Trixie for a healthy stomach and healthy intestines
Trixie Malt Paste is a delicious cat treat that helps to
regulate the digestive system and keep it working well. The
tasty malt snack comes in a handy tube for easy dosage and storage. It promotes a healthy digestive tract and helps to reduce the formation of harmful hairballs. Cats are very fastidious and grooom themselves everyday. They swallow hair every time they do so and this can cause digestive issues and blockages. The problem increases during the moulting season in spring and autumn and if you have a long haired cat. Your cat's rough tongue help to remove loose hair, however this means that they also swallow the indigestible hair which then forms clumps in the stomach. If these hairballs are not expelled they can cause real problems. Trixie Malt Paste contains malt extract as well as oils and fats, all of which help to
prevent hairballs from forming. The paste covers each swallowed hair with a thin film so that is expelled naturally before it turns into clump and forms an obstruction.
It's also a good idea to comb your long-haired cat regularly, especially when in moult as this helps to remove loose hair. Trixie Malt Paste is the easy way to
resolve hairball problems and makes a good alternative to cat grass.
Trixie Malt Paste for Cats:
- Delicious, well-accepted cat paste
- With malt extract and oils
- A natural digestive aid
- Helps to prevent hairball formation
- A tasty alternative to cat grass