Delicious cat snacks that roll around to encourage your cat to play, with an irresistible cheese scent that your cat will adore, guaranteeing taste and fun in a grain-free recipe.
Cats find these Cheese Rollies from GimCat absolutely irresistible. These hearty snacks offer an enticing scent for your cat, made with fine lactic yeast, grated cheese and a special round shape that makes them easy to play with and chew. The cheesy snacks are particularly tasty but also fun to play with.
Just roll these cheeky cheeses across the floor to stimulate your cat's natural urge to play - the tasty treat at the end of the chase is a great reward and can help to build the bond between you and your cat. These GimCat Cheese Rollies also add a new dimension to your cat's daily routine: great-smelling, great-tasting fun and games.
GimCat Cheese Rollies at a glance:
- Tasty snacks for cats
- Irresistible scent: with fine lactic yeast and hearty hard cheese
- Practical round shape: ideal for playing and chewing
- Sugar- and grain-free
- In 2 pack sizes