3 reviews forMulti-Scratch Cardboard Scratching Pad
A bit too narrow for our cat’s liking…
Our mature rescue indoor cat will only use these cardboard scratch boxes and came to us with the larger rectangular box version of this type of cardboard scratcher. I’ve replaced that a one couple of times with the same type and with success but Kitty won’t touch either of these two narrower versions; even with copious catnip to help lure her. So, for our discerning older lady it’s a definite, “Nope!” for this long, narrow box scratcher.
Normally need 3 on the go at once!
My indoor cat absolutely loves these things, so much so that she has one in particular she spends the day sleeping on (odd cat). She can easily wear one out in a day if she put her mind to it. I keep a few down around the house. They're really good and come with a little bag of catnip. Worth noting when one side is worn out you can flip the cardboard.
My cat loves this
I have 2 cats that often sharpen their nails on the carpet. I brought a couple of these and one of the cats loves it. Let’s hope they like the scratch pad more than my new carpet that arrives next week!
I have this about 3 months and it’s still going sting although a bit worn at each end.