22 reviews forGreenwoods Plant Fibre Natural Clumping Litter Trial Pack
Disappointed Multi-Cat owner
The quality of this seems to deteriorated and although it claims to be 'dust free' it certainly isn't!! It's fine when straight out of the bag, but quickly turns to sawdust and forms a cloud in the air when I change my cats trays. This bothers me as I have a lung condition.
Used to love it, now I hate it
I thought I’d founeholy trail of litters when I discovered this. I loved the first 3 bags, nice clumps, no dust, very little tracking. What’s not to like.
Now, I think they must have changed the formulation as the clumps are just horrible. It looks like clamps and then the scoop touches it and it disintegrates. Even worse, as you scoop and shake the scoop to get rid of the non weed on litter, the weed on stuff from the broken up clumps just goes through the scoop unlike any others I’ve had.
Litter Robot 4
If you have a litter robot 4, dont buy this litter as the litter doesn't pass thought the litter filter holes.
I can't say if the litter is good or not, because i couldn't even use it. Had to replace it entirely as soon as i saw the first cycle of the litter robot where 80% of the litter went to the robot bin.
I really don’t understand all the 5* reviews
I tried this because of the reviews, to see if I could switch from Super Benek as I’m getting a little tired of the dust. But this one doesn’t clump as well, doesn’t control odour as well, and it tracks horribly in comparison. Back to the drawing board..
14/04/21|Lyon Murray
I bought 2 bags of this litter initially and it was soon apparent that I'd chosen well. I've used many different clumping litters in the past and each one has produced a thick dust layer over everything. With a husband who suffers breathing difficulties, this has been a HUGE problem. Not only does this Greenwoods Plant Fibre Clumping Litter clump beautifully, it's economical and produces no fine dust. Yes, there is a small amount of tracking but who hasn't heard of a brush & dustpan?
Perfect wood and clumping combination
I've always favoured clumping litter as it's so much easier to keep the tray clean and the cats happy! I have to do a full tray change / clean far less often. It does track, but so do all clumping litters, and I keep a hand hoover nearby get the bits up quickly. Having a lidded litter tray and a tray mat helps with this too. Now I've found this product I'm never going back!
Best litter for Price
I tried this instead of my regular brand clumping plant based litter. It tends to form larger drier clumps than the other and works out significantly cheaper though I wish I could order more at a time.
No smell, safe if ingested and more environmentally friendly than most litters. Worth a try in any household
Its everywhere but it the best cat litter, I dont feel a smell of my cats anymore,
Happy with this litter
I’m happy with this biodegradable litter. It does track, but I haven’t found any litter that doesn’t. I put the urine clumps in the compost bin and flush the poo.
Best on the market
Can’t understand the other comments about it tracking everywhere. I have two cats using one box and it doesn’t track any further than the mat outside the box. Odour control and clumping vastly better than ‘worlds best’ and it’s a quarter of the price!
Best ever cost affected big bag better for us and our family of cats
My three cats love it, their tendency to wee 'elsewhere' has diminished and I can just pick the lumps out and flush them down the loo! Three cats and I reckon one bag lasts a couple of months :)
So glad I changed to this
This is cleaner than normal cat litter, smells less, lasts longer and the cats like it. I'm so glad I made the change to this cat litter!
Worth the cost
I've tried all different kinds of cat litter & was using cats best as it contained smell better. This one is so much better despite the extra cost. Having 2 cats & 2 separate litter boxes this litter works out cheaper long term. It's clumping power means it's easy to scoop out the soiled contents & fewer top ups. Not much mess outside of litter box either
Best cat litter
I was buying wood chip litter from pets at home which is ok but turns to sawdust quickly when the cats wee on it. This litter is amazing clumps so well for poo and wee. Although a little more pricey change the tray far less because it just lifts out what has been soiled. Highly recommend. There is no smell either.
cat prefers this to wood pellet litter
great eco alternative to cat litter. i have 5 cats and have been looking for litter that is biodegradable so it doesn't fill up the bin and cheap. i tried wood pellet litter and although the used it for pee for some reason they are not happy about using it for poohing. This however they use for both - very happy
Pleased with this litter.
I really don’t get the bad reviews for this litter. I used to buy Cats Best but Greenwood’s is better in my opinion. It clumps well as long as there’s plenty of litter and keep topping up. Odour control is good. It tracks a bit but I have good litter mats to help that. Most litter I have bought tracks.
Excellent product
I use it with a sifting litter box. It lasts a very long time that way. I like that it is a natural biodegradable product.
Perfect Litter
I have been searching for the perfect clumping, environmentally friendly litter for my Ragdolls for some time. I have literally tried them all, and kept going back to World's Best, despite the terrible dust and high price. This litter is the one - it clumps well, hides smells, less cost, no dust, is soft on the cat's paws, there is some tracking - but not nearly so much as Cat's Best which I found the worst at tracking and quite spikey on paws. My cats are happy too!
The BEST cat litter ever
This is easily the best cat litter I've used, I wish I had found it earlier. It's not only eco made from plant matter, it clumps so well, is relatively odourless, flushes down the toilet and does not cause lots of mess like sawdust does. It makes my life so much easier and is a very reasonable price. My cats like it and it's not full of toxins. Brilliant product!!