3 reviews forRoyal Canin Outdoor 7+
Happy Cat and Hedgehogs
Rile loves Royal Canin Outdoor. He adopted us four years ago. This food is perfect for him, he has a lovely coat and has an ideal weight of 4kg. He also has 1 pouch of Royal Canin Instinctive daily. He prefers kibbles to pouches, but eats all of his pouch. The hedgehogs which visited my garden last year loved Royal Canin. This was recommended by the Hedgehog Preservation Trust. There were four babies born in my garage. Two have started visiting this year. They do enjoy Royal Canin!! Excellent value, quick delivery, I am very pleased with Zooplus.
Fussy Cats love this
I have two fussy cats who for no reason will just decide not to eat the food I have bought, however since changing to Royal Canin Sterilised they have loved it and no problems. Great to buy food now in 10Kg bags, easy and convenient.
Good catfood
For our 8 year old tomcat, this is the best food. Since he has been eating Royal Canin, he has a lovely shiny thick coat. He obviously enjoys the taste, because he has gained a little weight. In winter he really needs to squeeze through the catflap ;-) My wife overfeeds him. Excellent food!